Cafe DuNord

And so it is!  It really is.  It is.  Life is.  The Universe is and does conspire to help us humans when we want it enough.  For example I have been experiencing or better yet witnessing lately back to back days of Divine flow - when Life seems to align itself as though we are on a magic carpet ride and opportunities and solutions manifest just for the asking.  The awakening is simply that I am mysteriously tuned in at this moment in time to recognize the flow and order of things. Word has it that the flow is happening at all times yet we as a world are so unanimously stressed and distressed physically, spiritually, and emotionally that we are too distracted to recognize it.  Meanwhile back at the ranch my perseption and judgement of my own life is that I am more in chaos than I can hande.  Thank God for my daily practice of prayer and mediitation which helps keep me tuned in and accepting of my human frailties.

Oh yeah back to Cafe DuNord   I performed there today and despite my critique of myself beautiful events came to pass, incuding a new song idea  Go figure.  More on this later.  Let it be duly noted that Life is Good no matter what I am thinking.  Thank God!

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