Day Four - ...and Jesus Moonwalks the Mississippi

Awestruck by the most magnificent presentation and performance of Marcus Garvey's new play "..and Jesus Moonwalks the Mississippi."  It is so complex and so brilliant and so mind expanding that the much needed sleep I hoped to get is trying to run the other way while the enormity of this collage of history Marcus Garvey tells has left me awestruck and speechless.  It is a must see and one day soon I hope a must read. There is really no verbal explanation that can give this play justice.  The experience, as in the singing, the acting, the story, the directing.  Wow!  Breathtaking!  A must see.  So Please see It.

..and Jesus did Moonwalk the Mississippi in such a beuatifully and humbly way as Free discovered who wshe was always meant to be.

Blessings :-)

Astral Soul Songstress/Visionary
Alternative Singer/Songwriter

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