Day One - Joy

I awoke this morning with the clear and present thought that today was Day One without really knowing "yet" what it is Day One of.  Just clearly Day One.  This I know for sure. And so it is.  This day April 13th 2010 is Day One of whatever more will be revealed.   After my usual prayers and praises I was struck by the reality that Joy is a choice.  Really a choice.  A seemingly painful and senseless choice when doubt tries to run the show.  The idea seems almost childish when there are so many things not to be joyful about going on in our material world.  Last night I had the sneaky and suspicious reminder through a fortunate and synchronistic sighting of a friend that I never really know what is going on in the Big Picture.  Imagine that. Yup, little old me really has no real idea what is going on in the Big Picture.  Yet somehow, simply and joyfully, and without judgement, I stooped to pick up a cup someone had dropped at a cafe and Walla! a person who proved to be an answer to a dilemma my brain had just been tangled with showed up.

I realized last night that I almost would rather have pondered the dilemma for a little longer, when out of the blue a friend sighting answered the problem I wasn't sure I yet wanted solved.   Upon seeing my friend I broke into a smile.  A knowing smile reminding me that I'm like a like a caterpillar trying to use her feelers to control the weather.  As silly as that seems, my feelers need to be joy filled lest they be rendered almost useless by my Creator.  Oh yeah.  I suppose I am responsible to treat my attitude.  When I am clear and present and joy filled solutions and capabilities emerge.

Joy, despite any worldy circumstance is the better attitude with which to work through anything.  Joy sometimes is willing action to do the next right God thing.  Aha!

When I finally got back to Joy today out came a song I'm titling Caterpillar song.   It figures!

Blessings in Your Day :-)

Astral Soul Songstress/Visionary
Alternative Singer/Songwriter

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