Day Zero

So today is Day Zero of Something .. or the Other.  I am not exactly sure what, but I "knew" today I was to begin.  So I am.  And being a former techy, today I suppose is t+0 = Day Zero of that thing.  Tomorrow will be Day One. Whatever it is that I am beginning will surely reveal Itself over time lest I just ramble on, and ramble on, and ramble on which wouldn’t be a Surprise for those who know me well.  However this Desire is seemingly quite different.  It is a Sincere Desire to please my Creator by carry through whatever He has called me to do.  Sounds pretty high stepping, and maybe it is, but in Truth this need to ramble has particularly rumbled in my Spirit since Easter and finally erupted this morning after a series of events which I'll elaborate on later. Something about watching the insane and reckless abandon of Ali G.  I never really had looked much into who this comedian is as a human being until just a few days ago when me and mine were watching YouTube clips of his interview with Buzz Aldrin. When I laugh to his absurdity there is a piercing of Joy that erupts my soul.  I started to ponder why he was put on the planet, as though it is mine to ponder, and all I could do was smile. As I pondered some more all I could do was smile and laugh some more. 

I love Joy.  I believe Joy is a Gift from from Complete Surrender.

Last night I sent a friend my schedule.  It was filled with the usual smattering of church and Spiritual activities that anchor my soul to the planet.  What I did not send him then, was the time I need to set aside to create and enjoy music.  Imagine that!  I mysteriously set aside without even thinking that which nourishes me. Fascinating!  So I cancel even the thought of not doing music.  It is that for which I have been called.  Music, music, and more Music.  The creating, the writing, the listening, the enjoying, and the Being that which I already am.  A Songstress, Songwriter, Musician, Minister of sorts in no particular order.

I am so grateful for this unexpected reminder.

Blessings in Your Day :-)

Acoustic Soul Songstress

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