Heaven on Earth 

Yup I said it I am living in Heaven while on Earth. This past week has continued to deliver good promise of things to come. Wednesday when I boarded the bus in the morning a lady who had just told me how she was pursuing her passion for cooking in addition to her day job commented that I looked like a RockStar. An acquaintance sitting next to the cooking lady raised her eyebrow and said, "Do you know she sings?" How fitting considering I wasn't in my usual attire and for some reason needed that boost. By a string of blessed circumstances I found myself later that night at a Uli John Roth (former Scorpions guitarist) show in San Francisco. Two bands before Uli John Roth, some dear friends had played and were ecstatic to be sharing the same stage. I raced from Worship Team practice to support and cheer them on. By the end of the night I was sold on the whole Uli package .. and then later as I was decompressing after the show and having ended up with two picks from the bassist, Uli walked up to me after the show. "Do you play?" Yes, I answered. "Well?" I said, "Pretty good on rhythm and am getting better on lead everyday!" He smiled and placed his hand on my head which I took as a Spiritual Blessing to keep on keeping on. Later that night or way way early the next morning I went to the web to read up on Uli and found that we are travelling at similar frequencies. The clincher is that he is connected to Jimi Hendrix via a Muse who entered both he and Jimi's life. Uli seems to be forever endebted and grateful to this woman as she passed on to him the prophecy that he is an artist. Mystcial colorful paintings he makes now in addition to writing a few symphonies as of late. Once again my path on this road was validated and I get to take the next appropriate actions to become a Hendrix like guitarist. Yup. I am shooting for the stars. After attending Blue Bear School of Music's Monday evening seminar on arpeggiating triads I am well on my way. The other mysterious things is that lately I have been finding a lot of Jimi Hendrix stuff. Magazines, energy drink cans.. lots of things with his image. Dare I dream big enough? I say yes. The worst thing that can happen is that I miss the mark and end up better than I could have imagined just for trying. Until later I will leave you with a little Heaven on Earth.

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